Send Files

Ready to go? Then click the blue button and follow these simple instructions:

  • If your job is ready to go to press, all we need is a Press ready PDF file. When you make your PDF select the PDFX1a standard and include crop marks and a bleed if your image goes up to the printed edge.
  • If you need us to do any design work, type changes or pre-press alterations, we need the native file, complete with all fonts and attachments.
  • If you are sending the native files with fonts and attachments, please Zip your files to prevent them from corrupting en route to us across the internet.
  • If your image is meant to bleed off the printed page (that is, if you plan for the inked image to flow to the cut edge) you must include a 1/8” bleed on your art plus crop marks.

To avoid production delays, see our File Preparation Guidelines on our FAQs page.

upload button