You know the phrases businesses can’t seem to stop uttering in 2022: “staffing issues,” “inflation,” “supply chain” and “$6 gas.” Regardless, these last few weeks Benchmark has been seeing a wave of clients calling us after months of lying low on their promotional materials. One reason I love the print industry is this way that it lets us keep a finger on the pulse of the small business economy. The real estate industry, too, hears the heartbeat of the economy loud and clear. Just ask our next featured woman-owned business – Realty Collective.
Victoria (Hagman) Alexander founded Realty Collective in 2005. They deal with real estate in Brooklyn, and back when Benchmark’s office was in Red Hook we were even closer neighbors (up through Hurricane Sandy – more on that in a moment).
Her real estate office in Red Hook does double-duty as an art gallery. It’s a great fit, given her background in art history. She is also is a “former carnival barker, club promoter, ‘zine founder and classic car restorer.” Putting her passion for activism and community involvement, she joined Resilient Red Hook, Community Board 6, and other local initiatives related to community-based planning.
Her seemingly far-flung experiences really synergized after Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast in 2013. The largest hurricane to form in the Atlantic, the water reached a storm surge height of 14 feet! Realty Collective put on their “Community Organization Emergency Relief Hat” joining with PortSide NewYork, a maritime organization (having secured their historic ship in the harbor amid the increasing wave heights!). Victoria opened her office up as a Sandy aid center, along with electricity, phone, and Wi-Fi – all while her own Red Hook home was flooded. The Obama administration even took notice: they recognized her for her work with Portside with a Champions for Change award.