Wide Rainbow is a contemporary art after-school program who had Benchmark print stickers for packaging their after-school snacks. They are a free, 501(c)(3) non-profit based in NYC that connects contemporary artists with the community. They serve low-income neighborhoods with limited or no access to the arts or arts education.
That’s right – in the richest country in the world, kids do not have enough food. In the United States, GDP was $23 trillion in 2021 (source: IMF), but 38 million people are food insecure. Pre-COVID, 1.1 million NYC residents were food insecure, including 1 in 5 children (source: City Harvest).
Obviously, Benchmark is concerned because an economy where all families can afford food is also an economy where more people can order printing.
Since the onset of the pandemic, Wide Rainbow has provided thousands of meals with Green Top Farms (another featured Benchmark client!) as COVID relief for NYC’s most impacted communities. They continue to distribute hundreds of “Wide Rainbow After School Snacks” each week with deliveries to the shelters, community centers, and schools they serve throughout Lower Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Harlem and the Bronx. These nutritious meals include a piece of fresh fruit, natural yogurt, and a wholesome, homemade granola bar (locally made in Queens) that support local farms and our youth & families in need.