During the pandemic, many Benchmark customers scaled down their production in 2020. For Al Raddock at Green Top Farms, it was the opposite. Their food distribution of local, seasonal ingredients ramped up in the face of expanding food insecurity. Working families’ livelihoods evaporated for lack of a public health system strong enough to prevent disease outbreak and to take swift, unified action at critical times.

In schools, Green Top Farms provides food that meets USDA guidelines and goes the extra mile with homemade, nutritious foods. They also cater to business offices, and Benchmark prints their product labels.

Green Top Farms was founded in 2014 by a fifth-generation farmer-turned-NYC public school teacher looking to connect local farms with urban communities. Their company is building a new kind of food system, one that supports local supply chains, sustainable practices, and better wages for food workers.
During the pandemic, they provided over 3.5 million pounds of fresh produce and 600,000 prepared meals to New Yorkers in need. Every month still, they donate hundreds of pounds of food to reduce food waste and combat hunger.